Want To Know A Little About Me?
Let me start by introducing myself and tell you a little bit about me. My name is Karen and I am from Ottawa, Canada. When I was young, my parents took me camping in Cape Cod every summer and when I was old enough, I starting taking trips with friends instead.
Now, for the past 19 years, my partner and I have been making pilgrimages (pun intended) every chance we get. We usually spend a day in Boston on the way to the Cape which is always great. --Love Beantown!
So What Makes Me So
Qualified To Give Advice?

Yes, that is our actual license plate. It has been driven down to the Cape on several cars over the years. Been there...done that...got the license plate!
When we used to go on vacation to anywhere, I used to research like crazy beforehand and map out a day by day itinerary. This, it goes without saying, drove people nuts. Looking back, I realize that I was afraid I would miss out on something. I wanted to make my time productive so I spent a lot of time researching and worrying about "keeping on schedule".
Sound familiar at all? Well if it does, then now you understand why I wanted to create this site.
For years, I would show my Cape Cod vacation pictures to everyone and they would all say the same thing---"Wow, looks beautiful!"
I've had a few friends over the years decide they wanted to go to Cape Cod on their own vacations and they always asked for my recommendations and advice about what to see, where to stay.....
They would always ask, "How do you know so much about Cape Cod?" Simple---experience. I was told by several people that I should write a book. I didn't really take this advice to heart right away.
The idea for this website about Cape Cod came about after I had one of those "AH-HA MOMENTS."
You see, after working for 20 years in retail management, I fired my boss and decided to start a small business. I was tired of working hard for everybody else except myself!
My new vending business was going strong but I found it hard to travel as much as before due to financial constraints.
I had been experimenting with some on-line marketing and affiliate marketing, as well as running my vending business. After a few months in the confusing world of "on-line business", I came across some information about SBI.
SBI stands for
"Site Build-It"
and it is a company that helps you build a quality website---easily.
This Is Where I Had My "AH-HA MOMENT!"
I thought that writing a book is kind of like creating a website right? I had absolutely no experience with either and and know nothing about technical stuff.
I researched the heck out of SBI and realized that they do all the behind the scenes techi stuff---I just supply the content.
I looked into a few other businesses that created websites and either they charge an arm and a leg (I wanted to keep mine thank you), or I would be doing most of the work myself.
Most people don't realize that they too can create a website about something they are knowledgeable about. They can turn their passion for travel or a hobby into a money making business.
This site has given me the freedom to travel more now and has allowed me to enjoy my life with a lot less stress.
Since so many people I speak with want to know more about how they can make money and have time to enjoy life more, I have added a page all about
SBI and how you too can easily make your own website.
So, this site is for anyone wanting to head to Cape Cod for the first time, AND anyone who is already a seasoned veteran.
I am going to save you some time and money and let you in on some "Insider Secrets". I will tell you about my favourite (notice the Canadian spelling?) places that you must see while there. Some will be known to many but others will be little gems that the hordes of tourists have not discovered. Perhaps they are too busy managing their itineraries...
One last thing. Keep a look out for this guy:

He will alert you whenever an insider tip is being shared.
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